Lil Cindy Lou WHO??

one girl's sarcastic journey through life

I am possibly the worst blogger ever September 8, 2010

I never prepare blog updates to use when I have nothing to post about.  And I don’t even think of posting a quick note on busy days.  For that, I apologize to you my adoring fans. 

I haven’t posted in several days.  We have been busy preparing for vacation (more on that later).  In past years this wouldn’t stop the world, but throw a baby in the mix and you have a crazy packing adventure including more stuff than a non-parent could ever imagine.  Make it a beach trip and it just becomes anarchy. 

Plus it was just a busy holiday weekend.  This what I did while I was ignoring you…

She can barely contain the excitementFriday- Zoo with some mommy-friends (yes I am a corn ball that I have mommy-friends instead of just friends now-vomit).  As you can see in this picture Finbaby was over excited to be there.  It was a really fun day and I got to catch up with some old friends…by old I mean I have known them forever, not that they are old.

We also had our typical Friday evening “playdate” with the neighbors, after the kids went to bed we sat around the fire pit and had some great laughs.

Saturday- Yankees game.  It was Finley’s first of what is sure to be many Yankees games.  HIP HIP JorgeShe tailgated with the best of them and was quite possibly the most popular baby at the stadium that day.  Yes, that is her pack-n-play in a Bronx parking lot-it was a genius idea to keep her contained and safe.

Sunday we cleaned and started packing for vacation.  I also finally addressed first birthday party invitations.  The sister did an amazing job designing and printing them.  I crafted up some decorations for the party too.  Watch out Martha, I’m gunning for you.

Monday I got a pedi and did a little shopping, then impromptu BBQ with the neighbors.  We gorged on fresh local produce and our homemade wines.  We are about 6 months away from starting our own commune and living off the land like a bunch of hippies.